Ikibu Casino Bonus

Get £200 and 5000 seeds on signup


Enjoy the Journey on Ikibu Island

Ikibu Casino is the very first ever created casino journey. This journey takes place in the land of Ikibu, which is the home of the Ikkis. Ikkis are blue creatures that resemble a monkey. When the journey is started, a travel through all of the different mysterious sections of the Ikibu island is what happens first. While travelling, different prizes are earned that can be traded in at the bonus shop. Enjoy being able to compete against other Ikkis in different races that can be done to have the chance of winning even more prizes.

While journeying, games are played to help new villages be reached. Once a new village is reached, seeds, which are a prize that can be traded in at the bonus shop, are earned. Enjoy more than 1,000 different games throughout the journey. Seeds that are earned from the games and while out on the different journeys can be traded for magic awards. Magic awards can also be purchased with actual money if more spins and awards are needed or wanted. There are many different villages that journeys take members through, at least 27 different villages. This game will be sure to keep everyone entertained for hours!